Woh Ehsaas Iftar
Karachi, Pakistan | May 2019
During the Holy Month of Ramadan, millions of Muslims all around the globe fast. Ramadan is considered one of the holiest months in the Islamic calendar as it teaches self-control, discipline, encourages people to be compassionate towards the less fortunate, and applauds any form of donations along with the compulsory charity (better known as ‘zakat). The duration of the fast varies upon when the sun sets and rises in their particular city. In Pakistan, Radaman fell in May which was recorded as one of the hottest month this year- temperatures ranging from 90 degrees Fahrenheit to 110 degrees. With the many more unable to break their fast with proper food or water we took it upon ourselves to feed as many mouths as we could.
The Woh Ehsaas team was fortunate enough sponsor an Iftar feeding 400 fasting souls. To be able to provide the first drop of water to someone who has gone without any food or drink throughout the day is a privilege. A privilege given to us by our donors. We share these pictures to inspire others to pay forward this Ramadan and spread love and empathy. Thank you to everyone who made today possible, we are nothing without you all.